Office Details

748 N. High St., Hillsboro, OH 45133

Call or Text : (937) 393-2588
Fax: (937) 393-0343
Monday - Wed: 7:00am - 5:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Knowing the difference between the various specialties in the eye care industry can be confusing, especially given the fact that they all start with the same letter and in many ways sound alike.

So, here’s a breakdown of the different monikers to make life a little less confusing for those wanting to get an eye exam.


Ophthalmologists (pronounced “OFF-thal-mologists”) are eye doctors who went to four years of undergraduate university, four years of medical school and...

Who is Charles Bonnet?  He was a Swiss naturalist, philosopher, and biologist (1720-1793) who first described the hallucinatory experiences of his 89-year-old grandfather, who was nearly blind in both eyes from cataracts.  Charles Bonnet Syndrome is now the term used to describe simple or complex hallucinations in people who have impaired vision.  


People who experience these hallucinations know they aren't real.  These hallucinations are only visual, and they don't involve...

About Us

From the second you walk into Buckeye Family Eye Clinic, our main focus is YOU...

We value our patient relationships and strive to improve your quality of life and vision wellness through uncompromised service and state-of-the-art technology. Dr. Barton and her staff are a close-working team dedicated to meeting the vision care needs of the people of Hillsboro and surrounding areas. To complement our modern facilities, our knowledgeable staff work with the latest and greatest technologies to best assess the health of your eyes. When you visit our office, our goal is that you will leave completely satisfied and confident with our doctor, staff and services!

Buckeye Family Eye Clinic

Built on the foundation of patient convenience and satisfaction, we serve all of your family’s eye care needs under one roof. We're looking forward to seeing you!